Since the beginning of Otohits, newsletters were the only way of communicating with you. Although it was perfect few years ago, it became more and more complicated to use.
# From newsletters to blog posts
The last newsletter was sent more than 2 years ago (November 2017). It doesn't mean that work was not ongoing on the website.
The focus on communication was lost for few reasons:
- Getting closer to 200 000 members, sending a newsletter is now costly.
- It requires more effort than a simple post on a website
- It's not adapted to short announcement
- In the end, we all hate unwanted newsletters in our mailbox... right ? 😃
As some exciting news are approaching, we decided to get back on track to communicate with you!
# Goals of this blog
# More updates
Newsletters were coming maybe 2 or 3 times per year, mainly for the anniversary of the website and new application releases. It was not a good communication channel to keep you up to date with all the work we do for you 😉.
Even if it's not visible directly, we want to become more transparent with you and let you know of what's going on for Otohits.
- News features available or upcoming
- Application and website updates
- Bugs that are discovered and fixed
# Slowly replacing newsletters
We don't plan for the moment to send newsletters again. The section will probably be removed from the website, the old news will be likely migrated on this blog.
A link pointing to this blog will be available on the website.
Communication via Twitter (opens new window) and Facebook (opens new window) will continue to be used for quick updates.
# Less formal and more broad communication
Newsletters were heavy in every way. We want future blog posts to be easy to read, short, efficient... and ultimately funny? 😃
I also really liked integrating the link for Brave (opens new window) web browser on the footer of the website. You were quite a lot to test it and was happy to share it with you. For sure the footer of the website is not the best place for that. If we find new products or services that are linked to what we offer and we think it can help the members, we will communicate about it.
And no, it's not a way to say that we are open to sponsored content. We're the first to dislike it, we never did it since the beginning and we don't want to do it!
# What's next?
Share the news, Otohits is not dead.
Keep an eye on the feeds and our social network accounts, we want to give you new things to try and enjoy.
And there is only one way to know: it's to try! We're eager to make this blog comfy and updated for you.
Talk to you soon!