App update, Docker App official support, indirect MacOs availability

# App version 5066

Here are the main changes introduced between versions 5063 and 5066.

# Fixed bugs

  • Desktop App only: on some occasion, the application could hang and take at most 5 minutes to continue surfing. It will now continue as fast as usual (30 seconds max if the viewer does not respond).
  • Desktop App only: the App could close itself randomly without any warning. The issue is solved. If you still have unexpected close, let us know.

# Improvements

  • The Desktop App will display its current version in the title bar

# Hello Docker and MacOs

With the release of the v5066, we officialize the support of the Docker image for the App. You will find the info in your App page (opens new window).

The good news is having an App working inside a container does bring the possibility to run the App on MacOs. It does require installing Docker For Mac, but brings an easy and tested way for Mac users to be able to participate.

# What's next

Wait! There's more! The v5066 also embed an experimental feature. Don't hesitate to come on the Discord server (opens new window), open beta test will begin soon and feedback will be taken from there.

I wish you a good surf.